10 Benefits of Using Spaciable Living

Managing multiple properties, or even multiple developments, is a difficult undertaking.  The sheer volume of residents and properties under your care requires a seamless approach to overseeing day-to-day tasks. 

To achieve this, it is vital you optimise any processes that are lagging in their use of your time, and ensure you’re prioritising efficiency.

As Danielle Holloway McCarthy, President of Advanced Management Company, wrote in Forbes magazine, ‘Static processes and siloed spreadsheets aren’t effective in a constantly changing work environment.’  With the needs of residents and how you respond to them always evolving, landlords and property developers must ensure their systems are able to cope with ever-increasing demands.  One simple change that property professionals are now making is to digitise their property management and resident engagement requirements. 

In this blog, we will look at the top 10 benefits of choosing Spaciable Living to facilitate this digital journey, and what you and your residents can expect to gain from using our residential engagement and property management app.


1.      Enhanced Communication

One of the most widely recognised benefits of going digital is one made to your communication with your customers.  As Holloway McCarthy explains, ‘Online portals and mobile applications facilitate seamless communication and information sharing between property managers, residents, vendors and property owners.

The Spaciable Living app facilitates direct and real-time communication between homebuilders, property managers, and residents.  The Notifications feature ensures that important announcements, updates, and maintenance information is promptly delivered and acknowledged.  These push notifications can be sent out to individuals, a group of plots, or across the whole development, providing peace of mind for both you and your home users that no important messages are being missed.


2.      Efficient Maintenance Management

When your home users have an issue within their home or have spotted a problem on the development, they want to know how they can report this to you immediately.

Spaciable Living allows residents to report maintenance issues, complete with photos and detailed descriptions, at the tap of the button, using its Reported Issues feature.  Once the issue has been reported, a series of questions will be asked by a ChatBot, to give advice on how to reduce damage and deduce whether this problem is the responsibility of the resident to repair, or whether it will be necessary to alert the correct member of your team to the defect.

This streamlines the process for property managers to assign and track maintenance tasks that need to be further addressed, ensuring timely repairs and upkeep, as well as creating a digital audit trail of communication, should any disputes arise along the way.


3.      Digitised Payments

In a world where we can buy almost anything we want at the tap of a button, the facilities on our doorsteps should be no different.  Spaciable Living allows your residents to book and pay for any shared facilities on your development, as well as rent and service charges, in a matter of moments.

No more Concierge chasing up payments, or producing physical invoices for these services, all is taken care of through the app.  As well as increasing the usage of your facilities through its ease of use, this feature will also provide you with valuable data on the popularity of the spaces you’ve provided, so that you can see where you might want to invest.


4.      Centralised Document Management

Moving home involves a lot of paperwork but digitising those paper processes allows the transaction to move faster and more efficiently.  Instead of rifling through mountains of documents, and having to wait for information to be sent or received, you and your residents can simply upload the required documents onto Spaciable Living’s shared Library.

Lease agreements, rules and regulations, safety protocols, appliance manuals, warranties and property guidelines can all be stored and accessed through the app.  Not only does this ensure all parties have easy access to necessary documents, it also reduces misunderstandings and disputes.


5.      Improved Resident Engagement

Maintaining communication through a digital portal allows you to stay connected to your residents, but Spaciable Living allows you to go one step further.

Developed with residential engagement in mind, many features of the app encourage your home users to stay engaged with you and your brand, long after move-in day.  Features such as Community Updates, Notifications and Chat, allow you to send messages to your residents about anything that might be happening on the development, whether that be updates to your fire policy or a Board Game Night for new residents to get to know one another. 

The Calendar feature also allows you to send event invitations to your home users, and reminders about any appointments they might have with you.  And the Surveys feature can be used at regular intervals to gain a valuable insight into the experience of living in one of your homes, the data from which you can use to understand areas that might benefit from your attention, as well as record tenant sentiment in line with the Tenant Satisfaction Measures.

The combination of these engagement-driven features helps you form lasting relationships with your home users and fosters a sense of community among residents, while providing valuable insights to landlords and property managers.


6.      Enhanced Parcel and Access Management

For many a concierge or property manager, the most laborious and time-consuming tasks of their day revolve around managing parcels and enabling visitor access.

With Spaciable Living, both of these processes can be completed in seconds, at the tap of a button.

On entry to the lobby, parcels can be scanned, sending a QR Code to the home user of the relevant plot, notifying them that they have a parcel that needs to be collected.  This eliminates the need for written notes being left in individual post boxes, or messages individually sent to residents.

Expected visitors can also benefit from a seamlessly managed key release feature, whereby residents can set aside keys for visitors to collect using a QR code provided by Spaciable Living.  Residents will be alerted when the key is returned and all parties will be sent reminders when the key return is overdue, increasing security and removing the need for the concierge or property manager to manually track this information.


7.      Data Analytics and Insights

As well as the data collected by survey responses, Spaciable Living can collect and provide insights into various aspects of property management and resident behaviour.  For instance, which of the development’s shared facilities are most utilised, or how quickly issues are resolved when reported by your home users.  This data can inform decisions on maintenance priorities, community events, and improvements, leading to better property management practices.

Spaciable Living also allows home users to review facilities, providing direct feedback on a private forum for your evaluation.


8.      Cost Efficiency

By automating many administrative tasks and reducing the need for physical paperwork and manual processes, Spaciable Living can help reduce operational costs.  Metrikus goes further, advising, ‘With efficiency and automation comes increased profit margins.  PropTech solutions provide valuable insights and generate a big return on investment.

Additionally, digitising and automating these processes also minimises the risk of errors and the costs associated with rectifying them.  This reduction of errors is further supported through the app as admins can share their shift notes and create outstanding tasks, reducing the cost of tasks being left unfulfilled.


9.      Increased Transparency

When residents have access to information regarding their property, maintenance requests, and any community updates, it instils a sense of transparency between housing provider and resident.  This builds trust and increases satisfaction, as home users feel informed.  With the addition of Spaciable Living’s Survey feature, asking them about their experience of living in one of your properties, residents also feel valued and involved in the management of their living environment.


10.  Competitive Advantage

We have arguably saved the best benefit till last, as the implementation of a modern, user-friendly solution can differentiate housing providers and property managers in a competitive market.

Spaciable Living appeals to tech-savvy residents who want to see you demonstrate a commitment to providing high-quality, efficient, and resident-focused services, as well as the less tech-minded resident who wants a solution that focuses on ease of use and optimising the living experience on your developments.

By leveraging our property management and resident engagement app, homebuilders can significantly enhance the overall experience for your residents, streamline property management processes, and gain a competitive edge in the housing market.



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